Technology in Education

Picture taken from Google Images

Technology is the study and knowledge of the practical, especially industrial, use of scientific discoveries (Cambridge Dictionary). Technology offers the opportunity, as never before, in every aspects of life. And this condition also gives a major impact for education. There are several concepts to understand in examining the use of technology. First, active engagement with the learning material. Second, use of real-world issues. Third, simulation and modeling. Next, discussion and debate boards and forums. Then, working groups is established. And the last is about the formative assesment. 

As a teacher, we must be able to apply the technology in teaching process. It may engage the students to be more focus and interest them. One of an online tools that is very helpful is Animaker, an online animation video maker. I’ve tried to create an animation video using Animaker. You can watch it below or download this animation in my Youtube channel

This is a descriptive video about seasons that edited by using Animaker.

For further information about the applications, you can click Tools for Learning in this blog.