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Abu Bakr As-Shiddiq was the first caliph of the Rashidun Caliphate. He was the son of Uthman Abu Quhafah. Abu Bakr Al-Shiddiq was born on October 27th, 573 in Mecca, Hejaz, Arabia. He became a caliph from 8th June 632 until 23rd August 634.

       This first caliph was a rich and respected businessman. He was the first person who converts to Islam and extensively contributed his power, mind and wealth to support the deployment of Islam by Muhammad SAW. Abu Bakr As-Shiddiq or Abu Bakr Abdullah Ibn Uthman Abu Quhafah had a lot of names and appellation. His origin name was Abdullah Ibn Uthman (with Abu Quhafahh as his appellation) Ibn Amir Ibn Ka’ab Ibn Sa’ad Ibn Taim Ibn Murrah- al-Taimy.

     Before the appearance of Islam, his name was Abdul Ka’bah, than Rasulullah SAW changed his name into Abdullah. He was given the appellation of As-Shiddiq since he was the first person joined in Islam and always justifiy every single fact of Islam and Rasulullah SAW. In addition, he confirmed the Isra’ Mi’raj that happened.

   As a caliph, Abu Bakr As-Shiddiq had more than one responsibility. He was a leader of the Muslim community (as a caliph not Rasul) and as the head of the country. During his reign, he overcame a number of uprisings, collectively known as Ridda wars. Since he was able to consolidate and expand the rule of the Muslim state over the entire Arabian peninsula. The Rahshidun Caliph of Abu Bakr As-Shiddiq died of illness after a reign of two years, two months and 14 days.


Rahmatullah Muhammad, 2014. Kepemimpinan Khalifah Abu Bakar Al-Shiddiq. Journal of Islamic Studies,Vol.4. https://jurnaliainpontianak.or.id/index.php/khatulistiwa/article/download/260/214 accessed on 2/09/2020.