Leadership means the process of social affection that one person is
able to manage others in obtaining the goals of the organization. There are
several theories dealing with leadership, as follows:
This theory attempts to describe types of behavior and personality tendencies towards the effective leadership. One of the pioneers of this theory is Thomas Carlyle (1841). He used such approach in identifying talents, skills and physical characteristics of men who arose to power.
Theorists begun to study leadership as a set of behaviors, evaluate the behaviors of “successful leaders”, determine a behavior taxonomy and identify broad leadership styles in response to the criticism of the trait theory.
The leader is not surely hostile but is apart from the participation in works and frequently provides praise and criticism for the work done. This theory is also established on behavioral theory. The developer of this theory was Robert Blake and Jane Mouton in 1964. They suggest five different leadership styles, regarding with the leaders’ concern for people and goal achievement.
- _Leadership in Islam
- _Islamic Quotes: Leadership
- _Mindmap of leadership
- _Definitions of Leadership
- _Theories on Leadership 1
- _Theories on Leadership 2
- _Great Leadership Part 1
- _Great Leadership Part 2
- _Leadership Style
- _Leadership Quotes
- _Abu Bakr As-Shiddiq
- _Abraham Lincoln
- _Bill Clinton
- _Bill Gates
- _Educational Leadership
- _Theory Educational Leadership
- _Characteristics of Educational Leader
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